Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Stephanie Meyer Becomes an Ambassadorial Scholar

Idaho State University’s Stephanie Meyer was chosen by the Rotary District Foundation Scholarship Committee to be the 2011-12 ambassadorial scholar for Disctrict 5400, and is set to study at Payap University in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

In addition to the opportunity for international travel, she will receive a scholarship for $26,000.

Meyer was nominated by the Pocatello Rotary Club, and is majoring in anthropology. In the event that Meyer cannot take advantage of her scholarship, Natasha Bortz of Twin Falls was selected as an alternate.

The purpose of the Ambassadorial Scholarship program is to further international understanding and friendly relations among people of different countries and geographic areas. While abroad, scholars serve as good will ambassadors to the host country and give presentations about their homelands to Rotary clubs and other groups. Upon returning home, scholars share with Rotarians and others experience that led to a greater understanding of their host country.

“Thanks to the Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship, my dreams of becoming an anthropologist in Thailand are becoming realities,” said Meyer of the upcoming experience.

Meyer has also started a blog in order to record and share her preparation for and time spent in Thailand. The address for her blog is

For more information on the Rotary club or the Ambassadorial Scholarship visit

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